
Nar Mobile opens “Nar Dunyasi” sales and service center in Siyazan city

On September 07, 2011 Nar Mobile opened “Nar Dunyasi” sales and service centre developed under new concept in Siyazan city.

“Nar Dunyasi” sales and service center is a new chain of stores developed under new concept. The main concept of new “Nar Dunyasi” center is to meet the needs of customers by providing several services to high standards in a single point.

Customers at “Nar Dunyasi” centers are able to make payments for their calls, use customer services, acquire new numbers and buy products such as Nar 3G + modems and mobile telephones. Having all services in "Nar Dunyası" sales and services center will further improve the customer experience of Nar Mobile subscribers.

During the opening ceremony the guests of "Nar Dunyası" sales and services center experienced high quality services by visiting each sales area, where they got to see new Nar 3G + modems, modern mobile phones and accessories and had a chance to try 3,6 mbps real mobile internet connectivity.

There are 11 "Nar Dunyası” sales and service centers already been opened in Baku city. In addition to existing ones in Ganja, Barda, Shamkir, Zagatala, Tovuz, Bilesuvar and Salyan soon there will be more openings in other regions.

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