
Azerbaijan to shift to electronic registration of real estate

Azerbaijan will shift to providing e-services in the field of cadastre and real estate registration in the near future, Chairman of the State Property Committee Kerem Hasanov said in Baku at an international scientific-practical conference titled "Role of national spatial data infrastructure and a unified cadastre of real estate in modern property management system". "This is o

ne of the goals of the State Committee for the near future," said Hasanov. In addition, he said the State Committee is working to establish a centralized electronic inventory database of all existing real estate facilities in conformity with modern requirements.

The State Committee also plans to create an environment and infrastructure suitable to ensure the sustainability of the registration system and create a digital database.

"The task of the State Committee is to create a system that will be integrated into the real estate cadastre, public register and database of space data and make these resources available to users," said Hasanov.

Hasanov said that conducting economic reforms and privatization has resulted in a gradual increase of the private sector share in GDP. "Today, the private sector share in GDP exceeds 80 percent," he said.

According to the Economic Department Head of the Azerbaijani Presidential Administration Mayil Rahimov, activation of the state property privatization process has played an important role in increasing the country's GDP. "Over the past 20 years, Azerbaijan's GDP grew by 20 times, budget - 78 times, volume of exports - ten times," said Rahimov.

The Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Economic Policy Ziyad Samadzade stressed the importance of cooperation in the field of real estate registration with the international financial institutions such as the World Bank.

"This cooperation, particularly this conference will play an important role in improving legislation in this sphere," Samadzade said.

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