


What impact will the 4th industrial revolution have on the labor market?

In 5 years we will witness a radical change in the labor market. The fourth industrial revolution will affect more than 35% of the available professional skills. This forecast was given in the report of the World Economic Forum in Davos.
The report says that by 2020, professions related to such areas as robotics and autonomous vehicles, artificial intelligence and learning by machines, biotechnology and genomics will be in great demand.  That is some jobs will disappear completely, while others will evolve.
When asked about the possible outcome of the rapid development of the technological process and the future directions of the development of the labor market, the world’s leading employers cited the following 10 skills that, they think, will be in the greatest demand by 2020:    
1. Complex problem solving
2. Critical thinking
3. Creativity
4. People management
5. Coordinating with others
6. Emotional Intelligence
7. Judgment and decision making
8. Service Orientation
9. Negotiation
10. Cognitive flexibility

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