


24 teams taking part in national round of ‘Microsoft Imagine Cup 2016’ competition

The national finals of the “Microsoft Imagine Cup 2016” competition will be held on 15 April 2016.

This information was provided to “ICTnews” online news service by the manager of the “Cooperation in Education” program of the company “Microsoft Azerbaijan” Emin Akhundov. He said that 24 teams are taking part in the competition.
Microsoft Imagine Cup is a skill-based competition organized by Microsoft to provide opportunities for students across all disciplines to team up and use their creativity, passion and knowledge of technology to create applications, games and integrate solutions that can change the way we live, work and play. The competition is held at the national and international levels.
Note that last year, the Azerbaijani “NoObs” team became the winner of the national qualifying round of the “Microsoft Imagine Cup” competition, which was organized jointly by the Ministries of Education and Communication and High Technologies of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the company “Microsoft Azerbaijan”.    
The team took the second place in the international “Microsoft Imagine Cup 2015” competition. It was the first time Azerbaijan had been represented at an international competition in which 33 teams from different countries across the world participated.   

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