
Ministry of Communication and Information Technologies commemorates victims of Khochali massacre

Today, the Commemoration Ceremony dedicated to 20th anniversary of Khochali massacre has been held at the Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies. The ceremony began with  minute’s silence to commemorate victims of Khocali tragedy.

The minister of Communications and Information Technologies Ali Abbasov said at the ceremony that Khochali tragedy was the most bloody page of the policy of ethnic cleansing and genocide that has been conducted by Armenian nationalists and chauvinists against the Azerbaijani people for almost 200 years.

The minister noted that in 1994 the national leader Heydar Aliyev made a public speech in which he gave assessment to  Khochali tragedy as a genocide against Azerbaijani people.

For about 20 years Azerbaijan has been persistently holding numerous activities in order to inform the World Community of  Khochali massacre, perpetrated by Armenian fascists, and to gain recognition of this tragedy as a genocide at the international level.

As a result of these activities the Parliamentary Union of the Organization of the Islamic Cooperation called this mass killing of innocent people a bloody crime against humanity and urged all the member states to give their political and legal assessment to this tragedy. At the same time, parliaments of Pakistan and Mexico adopted resolutions on the recognition of this mass killing of innocent people as an act of genocide.

The minister spoke about propaganda activities being held across the world under the ‘Justice to Khochali’ motto in connection with the 20th anniversary of this bloody tragedy.  Speakers at the ceremony spoke about activities that should be done for informing the World Community of Khochali genocide and recognizing this tragedy as an act of genocide at the international level.

Communications workers from Khochali spoke at the ceremony about this tragedy that inflicted never-healing physical and emotional wounds to the citizens of this town. Then, Mr. Abbasov met with communication workers from Khochali city, listened to their problems and gave relevant instructions.                                                   

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15 March 2025 03:09:13

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