
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) will hold conference titled “Knowledge-based development and innovative ownership”

On November 24-25, 2011 the Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies jointly with the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) is being held a conference titled “Knowledge-Based Development and Innovative Ownership” within 17-th international exhibition-conference “BakuTel-2011”, and the 4-th session of working group of “Knowledge-Based Development” project within “UN Special Programme for the Economies of Central Asia (SPECA)”.

At the international conference titled “Knowledge-Based Development and Innovative Ownership” issues related to ownership and cooperation between state and private sector in innovated development of information and communication technologies, will be discussed.

This conference will provide excellent opportunity for exchange of experiences between business leaders and high officials with decision-making powers.

The conference will be attended by international experts, who will take part in discussion of strategic issues related to knowledge-based development and innovative ownership.

The experts will present to the conference experiences of their countries for broad discussion.

At the same time, UNECE jointly with UNESCAP (the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific) with hold the 4-th session of working group of “Knowledge-Based Development” project within “UN Special Programme for the Economies of Central Asia (SPECA)”.

During the session the working group will analyze the results of realization of the working programme for 2011 and will adopt the working programme for 2012-2013. Let’s note that the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), being one of 5 regional comissions of UN, was created in 1947.

The main goal of this organization, comprising 56 states of Europe, is to accelarate processes of economic integration of Europe.

More than 70 international organizations are involeved in this komission’s activities. UNECE supports various international conferences promoting development of international cooperation.

SPECA is a special structure created in 1998 by UN in order to strengthen regional cooperation in the Central Asia and promote integration of the countries of the region with the world.

Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan are members of SPECA. Azerbaijan is one of the leading states in SPECA’s working group. SPELCA’s activities are regulated by UNECE and UNESCAP.

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