
65,000 students have been provided with discount cards

Within the framework of “Azerbaijan youth in 2011-2015” State Program 65,000 students have been provided with student discount cards. The young people owning these cards are able to make purchases at different entertainment centers and computer shops with 5-50 percent discounts.

In his interview to “ICTnews” online news service the chairman of the Azerbaijan Student Youth Organizations’ Union Shahin Ismayilov said that along with discount cards the students were provided with the single catalog of facilities where student cards can be used. In addition to that, “187” telephone hot line was created in order to obtain additional information and solve various problems regarding the use of cards. Note that following the Azerbaijan Student Youth Organizations’ Union’s proposal, the “Azerbaijan Student Card” project was included in the State Youth Program.

The project is now being jointly implemented by the Azerbaijan Student Youth Organizations’ Union, the Ministry of Youth and Sports, the Ministry of Education and the “Khazar” Investment Centre.

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