
New application allows you to identify an object by tapping it with a smartphone

A group of engineers from the Korean Institute of Advanced Technologies (KAIST) has created a mobile application that can identify objects by tapping a smartphone on their surface.
The application uses a microphone built into the smartphone, an accelerometer and a gyroscope.
When the gadget collides with an object, the microphone detects an emerging sound unique to each material and the shape of the object, and the accelerometer and gyroscope record data on the displacement and rotation of the smartphone.
After completing the algorithm learning process, the creators of the application invited 15 volunteers who checked the accuracy of the program on 14 objects in quiet and noisy environments.
The participants were asked to tap the smartphone 50 times on each object. The analysis of the obtained data showed that the application operates with high accuracy. Thus, the worst rate of recognition was 94%, and the program identified some subjects with an accuracy of 99.7%. The results of the test also showed that external noise had little effect on the accuracy of identification.
In the future, the modified version of the program can find practical application in various fields. For example, by tapping a smartphone on a pan, the user will be able to start the countdown timer in order to remove the pan from the plate in time, or by tapping a smartphone on the handlebar of a bike the user will launch the navigation application on the smartphone, NEWSru reports.


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