
Korea to build Green Technology Centre

South Korean President Lee Myung-bak has unveiled plans to set up a research centre for the development of energy-efficient and low carbon-emitting technologies. The government’s Green Technology Centre will be built this year. The Centre will feature research facilities that focus on the fusion of energy, water and other related eco-friendly technologies.
It will also act as a training ground for local personnel and as a technical knowledge source for developing nations interested in adopting green technologies. The Centre is expected to stimulate the development of alternative energy sources in the country, including solar and wind power, and other technologies that enhance energy efficiency, as well as the exchange of green technology among countries.
The government plans to build the Centre in collaboration with the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) in Seoul and leading foreign research institutes. President Lee has been a staunch promoter of ‘green growth’ for the economy, with the Centre being the latest of his administration’s green initiatives.
The President believes that green technology with help cut South Korea’s carbon dioxide and greenhouse gas emissions. Reports show that in 2010, South Korea contributed 2.2 per cent of the world’s total carbon dioxide emissions. The country’s emissions surged from 255 million tonnes (MT) of CO2 in 1990 to approximately 716 MT by 2010. In 2010, Korea’s emissions were 8.5 per cent higher than in 2009.

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