
Hiroshi Ishiguro presented his new creation — Android Ibuki

Hiroshi Ishiguro from the University showed its new creation — Ibuki humanoid robot that can move on four wheels. Ishiguro in the field of Android and the uncanny valley. First and foremost, he wants the robots were among the people, and the latest release continues his vision.
The Growth of Android is 120 inches and weighs 37 pounds. It was modelled on the 10-year-old child, therefore, looks less intimidating than other robots. The frame of the robot is made from materials such as carbon and plastic, and the face and hands covered with a "skin" of latex. Moving forward on four wheels, with a special joint at the waist, the top mimics the natural movement of the human body with a slight wiggle. His body contains a total of 47 engines, allowing him to smile, to keep things hands with five fingers, waving his arms.
Engineers are planning to add more features for natural communication, including recognition, dialogue, expression of emotions and two legs. Once Ibuki can walk together with people and sharing experiences.

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07 March 2025

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