
PostPay e-Wallet to be put into use in Azerbaijan

Two structures of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies – the Data Processing Centre and Azerpost LLC – are launching a new joint project called “PostPay e-Wallet”. 
The agreement signed by the sides provides for the development of an electronic payment system, including an electronic wallet, their placement in physical and virtual media, the implementation of security measures, and the provision of technical support at subsequent stages.
This project of the two structures, which have extensive experience and operate in a wide range of areas, will make a number of services available for citizens.
The main difference between PostPay and other e-wallets is that it makes it possible to both replenish the balance and carry out cash withdrawal operations in post branches and offices. Citizens, along with payment of utility, mobile and other services, will also be able to send money through PostPay even to remote villages.
To ensure the convenience of citizens and the use of modern payment functions, PostPay will allow users to make payments using QR code. Thus, PostPay users will be able to make purchases from stores or foreign websites by simply using the option “Payment via QR-code” in the application.
Initially, PostPay e-Wallet will work on devices running the Android operating system. And in the near future, PostPay will be available for the owners of devices running other operating systems.

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