
Global 5G phone shipments will reach up to 200 million units in 2020

The global shipment of smartphones with support for 5G networks will reach 150-200 million units in 2020 and will make up about 10% of the global market, according to industry observers.
Gartner analysts expect that 5G models will account for 51% of smartphone sales by 2023, compared to 6% in 2020. In the first half of 2019, several manufacturers released such devices, but they were not cheap.
In 2020, more affordable handsets with support for fifth-generation networks (5G) should appear in stores, since these products are considered by vendors as one of the tools to overcome the falling demand in the market.
Earlier in 2019, 5G networks were launched in some cities in the United States, South Korea, Switzerland, Finland and the UK. Operators will need more time to implement the technology outside of large cities, Dailycomm.ru reports.

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