
Azercell launches 4G in Azerbaijan

By the Eurovision 2012 Song Contest, to be held in May 2012 in Baku, mobile operator Azercell intends to launch the fourth generation network 4G, the company's head Ali Agan said at a press conference.
He said this issue will be discussed at a meeting with Minister of Comminications and IT Ali Abbasov, and the ministry's principal consent to launch the system was received.

Earlier, Azercell Telekom appealed to the State Commission for Radio Frequencies to obtain frequency spectrum to deploy 4G services.

Long Term Evolution (LTE) technology was chosen as the basic technology of the fourth-generation technology. 4G includes technology allowing to transmit data in cellular networks at a speed exceeding 100 Mbit /s for mobile users and 1 Gbit /s - for stationary users, which is ten times more than in 3G network.

In early November the ministry issued a license to provide 3G services to Azercell and Bakcell. Prior to them, Azerfon has already received a license to provide 3G services.

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