
Azerbaijani ICT companies to join Europe and Africa markets trough Portugal

The Minister of State and Foreign Affairs of Portugal Paulo Portas has met with the Minister of Communications and Information Technologies Ali Abbasov in the framework of an official visit of the Portuguese delegation to the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The importance of the ICT sector, which has played a significant role in the development of the relations between the two countries in recent years, and existence of huge potential for expanding the mutual cooperation and establishing partnership relations between Azerbaijan and Portugal were highlighted at the meeting.

A.Abbasov informed the guest about the broad reforms being implemented in Azerbaijan, and significant achievements made in the ICT sector. In his turn, Paulo Portas expressed his satisfaction with the meeting and said that the cooperation between the two countries in the ICT sphere will promote the development of bilateral relations.

‘The cooperation between our countries provides Azerbaijani IT-companies with an excellent opportunity to join the markets in Europe, Africa and Brazil.  Portugal may also benefit from this cooperation by joining the markets of the CIS and the Middle East through Azerbaijan’ he said.

A.Abbasov, in his turn, said that Azerbaijani companies are taking comprehensive measures for joining and investing in foreign markets, including  the Portuguese market. He provided the guest with detailed information on activities being implemented in Azerbaijan within the ‘e-Government’ project. ‘As part of these activities, the e-Government Agency was created at the Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies.

Currently, we are taking necessary measures for  signing new contracts with foreign companies in order to increase the number of e-services, A.Abbasov said. During the meeting A.Abbasov and P.Portas also exchanged their opinions on expanding Azerbaijan-Portugal relations in ICT sphere and perspectives for the future.  

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