
UN will continue to support Azerbaijan in realization of ICT projects

The Minister of Communications and Information Technologies Ali Abbasov has met with  the Resident Coordinator of the United Nations and Resident Representative for the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and United Nations Population Fund in the Republic of Azerbaijan Fikret Akcura, whose term of office in Azerbaijan has expired.

The meeting highlighted the dynamic development of information and communication technologies in Azerbaijan and the leading position held by Azerbaijan among CIS countries according to the annual “Global Information Technologies” report  issued by  UN’s World Economic Forum.

While speaking about Azerbaijan’s leading position in the region, F. Akcura noted that UN will continue to provide its assistance to the development of information and communication technologies in Azerbaijan, including implementation of joint projects.  He said that VII Internet Management Forum, which will be jointly organized by UN and the Government of Azerbaijan in November 2012, will give further impetus to the development of ICT in Azerbaijan.

“This forum will provide an excellent opportunity for representatives of  foreign governments, business structures, international and nongovernmental organizations to more closely familiarize themselves with Azerbaijan’s achievements in the ICT sphere”.   Touching upon the future development strategy, F. Akcura pointed out that Azerbaijan and UN may implement joint projects towards the formation of the e-Government in the republic. “I would like to single out the “Dilmanc” translation system among all the projects existing in Azerbaijan, because in future, all Turkic countries will develop their translation programs based on this system”,  he said.

In his turn, Ali Abbasov expressed his satisfaction with the results of the projects jointly implemented by UN’s Development Program, the Government of Azerbaijan and the Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies of the Republic of Azerbaijan. He said that numerous reforms have been realized in Azerbaijan through these projects. “Azerbaijan’s ICT market has benefited a lot from these projects.

Our country is interested in the implementation of ICT projects jointly with UN and its relevant structures.  Previously, ICT projects were implemented in Azerbaijan at the expense of donor countries. Now, our country itself can make investments in various projects abroad. From this perspective, Azerbaijan is interested in participation in large-scale, regional projects developed by the United Nations Development Program.           

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