
MCTT holds board meeting on results of 2012

The Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies of the Republic of Azerbaijan (MCIT) has held a board meeting dedicated to the result of 2012.

The activity began with an opening speech made by the minister of communications and information technologies Ali Abbasov, who said that the realization of the President’s decrees and orders and state programs, as well as the announcement of 2013 as the year of ICT in the country created wide opportunities for the development of information and communication technologies in Azerbaijan.

He also spoke about the reforms successfully implemented in the ICT sphere and future prospects for this sphere. "ICT, as the main component of the non-oil sector, has played a significant role in the development of the country’s economy in 2012. The high level of development of the ICT sector was achieved through the considerable care and attention shown by the state to this sector."

The head of the administration of the ministry Vidadi Zeynalov also made a statement on the activities implemented and results obtained in the information and communication technologies sector during 2012. He said that the volume of revenues earned in the ICT, information and postal sectors during the reporting period grew by 17.3 percent, compared to the same period of the previous year, and reached 1503.4 million manat. Compared with the previous year, 16.6 percent growth rate was observed in the ICT sector, including 17.4 percent - in the telecommunication sector, 8.6 percent in the IT sector, 18.2 percent in the postal sector and 50.1 percent in the information sector. By the end of 2012, there were 20 computers for every 100 people in the country, and 70 out of every 100 people were internet users. Today, 50 out of every 100 people in the Republic are broadband internet users.

Azerbaijan is holding the first place among the CIS countries in the internet users density, which is twice as high as the world’s average. After that, discussions were conducted around these statements. While summarizing the work of the meeting, the minister pointed out that as a result of the special attention given by the President to the development of the communications sphere, 2013 was declared the year of ICT in Azerbaijan.

"This means that a lot of work will have to be accomplished in the future in order to achieve the set targets and fulfill the assigned tasks. This increases the responsibility held by the people working in this sphere. Special conditions must be created for the development of innovative entrepreneurship engaged in production and export of advanced ICT technologies. Information security, mobile broadband internet services, satellite industry are priority directions of development." At the end of the meeting, A.Abbasov gave relevant instructions to heads of communications organizations.

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