
Mobile Devices Registration System starts working

Mobile Devices Registration System (MDRS) starts its activities directed towards mobile devices registration from May 1, 2013 according to information stated by the Deputy Minister of Communications and Information Technologies during the press conference held in the Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies.

MDRS was established in the Information Computer Center (ICC) of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies in accordance with the “Rules of Mobile Devices Registration” approved by the decision № 212, dated December 28, 2011 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Creation of Mobile Devices Registration System is in the list of events to be implemented within the framework of the Year of Information and Communication Technologies.

As of March 1, 2013 country's mobile operators daily enter IMEI-numbers of mobile devices used in Azerbaijan into a central database system. After complete collection of data and corresponding analysis, and after overall network analysis the system will be fully put into operation on May 1.

İMEİ-numbers of all mobile devices, used in the network prior to launch of the registration system, will be considered as registered and therefore will operate freely in the network. After the launch of the Registration System the İMEİ-number of each mobile device imported into the country for private use (with SİM-card of our country's mobile operators) should be registered within 30 (thirty) days from the date of its connection to the network. This rule is not applied to mobile devices of country's guests and tourists benefiting from roaming services through SİM-cards of foreign operators. To say more exactly, they are free to use devices that work with SİM-cards of other countries' operators. In order to organize the mobile devices registration process at the top level population along with the information received from hotline or web page, also can get more information by calling to customer care services of mobile operators.

To display the IMEI-number of mobile device just enter *#06# without any spaces on the keypad. Through special webpage (to be created) subscribers will be able to determine the originality of their devices by İMEİ-numbers as well as get additional information. Registration system created in the country will be connected to the “global black list” created by the GSM Association, and thus would prevent the use of mobile devices stolen in the various countries.

The purpose of mobile devices registration is: to provide mobile devices’ users with comfortable usage conditions, to prevent the import of low-quality mobile devices of unknown origin (also known to the public as a “pirate”) not meeting the technical parameters standards and emitting electromagnetic radiation harmful to humans, to increase recognition degree and competitiveness of manufacturing companies. At the same time, registration system makes it impossible the usage of lost mobile devices. Based on request of lost mobile device’s owner to registration center the use of this device in the republic is stopped and stolen mobile device becomes a useless thing. In addition, registration system prevents the use of mobile devices illegally imported into the country.

As noted, the Mobile Devices Registration System was established in Information Computer Centre (ICC) of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies according to the corresponding decision. In this connection, a central database system was created in the ICC. At the same time, mobile operators have installed appropriate equipment matched with the central database system.

It should be noted that in order to address all pending issues and coordinate them with central database system the corresponding discussions with mobile operators were held and results-based steps were implemented prior to creation of registration system.

It is encouraging that software for this system was developed by local specialists. At present, similar system is used in Turkey, USA and India. There were attempts to introduce such system in Ukraine, but failed. In European countries the information exchange on stolen mobile devices is kept through common “black list”.

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