How many people use services on e-Government portal?
The number of people who have accessed the e-Government portal has reached 427,854.
According to statistical information released by the Data-Processing Centre (DPC) of the Ministry of Communications and High Technologies (MCHT) of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the e-Government portal was accessed 799,944 times during the period between December 2012 and June 2014. The number of people who applied to the portal in the stated period reached 427,854. These people viewed the portal 799,944 times and used electronic services 1,385,054 times. The same people switched to different pages of the portal 2,780,539 times and spent an average of 5 minutes 03 seconds on the portal.
Due to the growing popularity of the e-Government portal among the population of the country, the number of people who repeatedly apply to the portal is rapidly increasing. Thus, 53, 6% of people who applied to the portal in the reporting period were new users, and 46,4% - were repeated users. So far, 117,255 users have been provided with a simple pass-code to access the portal. Any citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan, who has an identity card, can obtain a pass-code.
The number of electronic services being provided through the e-Government portal has reached 350. As of 30 June 2014, 19,239 digital signatures were given to the employees of state organisations, legal entities and physical persons, who had applied to the portal for a digital signature. 13,034 of these digital signatures were given to state bodies, 1,004 – to legal entities and 5,201 – to citizens.