
The procedure of electronic application for certification of telecommunication facilities and devices has been simplified

One of the directions of activity of AzInTelecom LLC, which is a subordinate organization of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies of the Republic of Azerbaijan, is certification of telecommunication facilities and devices.
The service includes processing of applications for granting of a certificate of conformity for telecommunication facilities and devices, acceptance of required documents and issuance of a certificate on conformity of telecommunication facilities and devices with the interactive telecommunication network requirements.
To facilitate the use of this service, the process of inquiring about certification services was fully digitalized and the electronic service "Granting of a certificate of conformity for telecommunication facilities and devices" was updated and put at public disposal on the E-government portal.
Thus, the citizen no longer needs to waste his time and energy on applying physically for certification of telecommunication facilities and devices. He doesn’t even need to register on the portal to use this service.  
All the citizen needs is to access the E-government portal and select the "Granting of a certificate of conformity for telecommunication facilities and devices" e-service from the list of electronic services of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies.
After updating the service, the number of required documents was reduced and the process of using the service was simplified.
If you have any questions with regard to applying for certification of telecommunication facilities and devices via the E-government portal, contact Customer Relationships Division of Certification Department of AzInTelecom LLC:  Tel: 012 498 18 61 (internal 2170), 012 200 01 70, e-mail: certificate@azintelecom.az.
By using this link, you can apply electronically for certification of telecommunication facilities and devices.