EaPeReg members and heads of regulatory bodies of consultative countries hold meeting
Within the framework of the Electronic Communications Regulators Network of the Eastern Partnership countries, a meeting was held between EaPeReg members and heads of regulatory bodies of consultative countries in Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia. Azerbaijan at the meeting was represented by a delegation headed by Deputy Minister of Transport, Communications and High Technologies Elmir Velizade.
During the meeting, discussions were held on EaPeReg’s future activities based on the outcomes of the 3rd EaP Ministerial Meeting on the Digital Economy of the members of the Eastern Partnership Program held in Bucharest on 28 February 2019. The targets for 2020 were defined at the meeting.
In conclusion, the signing ceremony of the Memorandum of Understanding providing EaPeReg with legal framework and defining its working procedures was held by Azerbaijan. The Memorandum of Understanding was signed by the member states of the Eastern Partnership Program in 2012 by Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine and Armenia, and by Belarus in 2016. Azerbaijan has been a regular observer in the EaPeReg since 2012.
During the visit, the delegation also participated in the next plenary session of the EaPeReg on May 15, 2019. In addition to submission on the work of the working groups on EaPeReg and discussions on the organization of the future activity of the network, the candidacy of Poland and Azerbaijan was announced to the posts of chairman and deputy chairman of the network for 2020, respectively. Elections to the post of chairman and deputy chairman are scheduled for the EaPeReg’s next plenary session to be held in Riga in November of the current year.
It should be noted that Azerbaijan actively participates in joint cooperation activities within the EU Eastern Partnership Program. The Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies has been closely involved in the Eastern Partnership Electronic Communications Regulators Network (the EaPeReg Network) since 2012. EaPeReg operates on the basis of expert working groups established on legislation and broadband services, radiofrequency management and international roaming services.