
Reconstruction of telecommunication network in regions under way

Recently, a number of media outlets and social networks spread misinformation on technology development projects implemented in the country by Aztelecom LLC and, in general, by the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies. Aztelecom LLC, as a national telecom operator, considers it necessary to inform the public of the work done.
The projects currently being implemented by Aztelecom are aimed at construction of a network in areas where there is no telephone service and there is still no opportunity to provide internet services, reconstruction of existing main highways and distribution networks, replacing old copper cable lines with fiber optic lines, outdated communication equipment with a new equipment that meets international standards, the introduction of next-generation wireless technologies in areas where the terrain relief prevents the use of communication  lines or require significant investments. All this serves to provide the population with sustainable communication, high-speed Internet and other multimedia services.
These projects are carried out in accordance with the Strategic Roadmap for the Development of Telecommunication and Information Technologies in the Azerbaijan Republic, approved by Decree No.1138 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated December 6, 2016.
Note that the distribution network (communication lines, equipment, etc.), which has been used for a long time in Aztelecom service areas, is rather outdated and does not meet modern requirements. The lines in operation are obsolete copper cables, which can cause serious problems in the provision of both fixed-line telephony and high-speed Internet services. The current network originates from the EAX. A long distance between EAX and subscribers creates barriers to high-speed Internet, which causes a fair discontent among subscribers.
Aztelecom ugrades its distribution network and install modern equipment to eliminate problems in the provision of services and bring them into line with the highest standards. To this end, work has already begun and is being successfully continued in Ganja and Sumgait, as well as in Absheron district and Masally region. Additionally, as a result of network modernization, NGN equipment (Next Generation Networks) is installed. This will not only save expenses, but also ensure the provision of several times faster and higher-quality internet, stable communication and other new services.
By comparison, the construction of a new communication network requires large amounts of funds, and for that reason, traditional copper cable lines are still widely used in the communication infrastructure of   Western Europe countries. According to recent reports, 61% of Internet users in Europe are provided services through xDSL (Digital Subscriber Lİne) technology. And in the Republic of Azerbaijan, reconstruction work has already begun and is being carried out on a step-by-step basis to bring the communication network in line with new and modern standards. As a result of the implementation of the projects, the capacity of the optical cable in the regional telecommunication network will be increased to 80%.
As a result of the work carried out by Aztelecom LLC, it will be possible to satisfy the demand of the population through the updated network. Upon completion of all this work, subscribers will be provided with new communication and Internet services, as well as new services.