
Now citizens can easily access ‘e-Government’ portal

Assess to “e-Government” portal has been maximally simplified. Now, citizens don’t have to apply to any state stricture to use this portal.   “e-Government” portal can be accessed by citizens from any place, which has Internet, including home.

This new opportunity was provided to citizens by the Data-Calculation Centre of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies of the Republic of Azerbaijan, which took concrete measures to provide the population of the republic with convenient  and  efficient “e-Government” services. There are now 3 ways to access the portal. The citizens, who obtained e-signature cards from MCIT as legal or physical persons, may use these cards to access e-Government portal.

Legal entities, physical persons and civil servants may use individual passwords provided by Electronic Government System to access the portal through “Access With  Password” section of “e-Government” portal. Tax payers may accesses the portal through its “Private entrepreneurs” section by using individual user codes and passwords provided to them when they were being registered as private entrepreneurs at the Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies. The Data-Calculating Centre developed a new electronic service in order to simplify access to the Electronic Services Portal for citizens.

The e-service employs new methods of identification of users.  Previously, a citizen had to apply to different state structures in order to use the portal.  Now, to obtain an individual code and password to “e-Government” portal, a citizen must just present his/her ID card, mobile number,  passport for traveling abroad,  driving license and a state social insurance certificate. All these documents submitted together with the application will help the system to check authenticity of information contained in them.

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