
Clients of Kapital Bank to use banking services through E-government portal

Kapital Bank will provide banking services to its clients through the E-government portal (https://www.e-gov.az). Electronic certificates are documents prepared on the basis of the electronic information resources of various government agencies.

Electronic certificates provide convenience to citizens and help them to save their time in the process of using banking services. Another advantage of electronic certificates is that they relieve a citizen from the need to obtain certificates from the place of his employment.  

How to apply to Kapital Bank using electronic certificates?

A citizen, who is not a user of the E-government portal, should present his ID card to the bank. Then, an employee of the bank provides the citizen with a user name and password to access the portal. After that, the citizen prints out the relevant certificates with the use of an electronic device.

And a citizen, who is a user of the E-government portal, can access the portal from any location and print out certificates required by the bank or send electronically the relevant certificates to the bank. The bank checks the validly of submitted electronic certificates using “Checking electronic certificates” service on the E-government portal.    

Note that the new service is currently available at Sabail branch No. 1, Khatai branch No. 1,  Nizami branch No. 2 and Nasimi branch No. 2 of the bank. In the near future, citizens will be able to use this service in all the other branches of Kapital Bank. 

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