The communication house has EATS with capacity of 600 numbers, which renders services to 592 subscribers residing in Dudanga and Zeyva villages. After lunching EATS the residents of these villages will be able to use all multimedia services.
Previously the residents of Dubandi village used the post office of Zeyva village because there was not one in their own village. From today, they will use the new post office located in their village. The post office has all necessary conditions for work, including equipment and billboards.
Kulus is another communication house, which meets all requirements. It is located in a new village center built in Kulus village. The communication house has EATS with capacity of 384 numbers, which renders services to 180 subscribers.
Let’s note that in the new post offices users will receive and send letters, moneys, telegrams, faxes. Different types of internet cards will be also sold in them. In future, the post offices will render banking services to residents.
New communication facilities were opened in Nakhichevan
Excellent conditions were created for the communication house of the new village center built in Dudanga village in Sharur region of Nakhichevan AR.The communication house has EATS with capacity of 600 numbers, which renders services to 592 subscribers residing in Dudanga and Zeyva villages. After lunching EATS the residents of these villages will be able to use all multimedia services.
Previously the residents of Dubandi village used the post office of Zeyva village because there was not one in their own village. From today, they will use the new post office located in their village. The post office has all necessary conditions for work, including equipment and billboards.
Kulus is another communication house, which meets all requirements. It is located in a new village center built in Kulus village. The communication house has EATS with capacity of 384 numbers, which renders services to 180 subscribers.
Let’s note that in the new post offices users will receive and send letters, moneys, telegrams, faxes. Different types of internet cards will be also sold in them. In future, the post offices will render banking services to residents.
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