
Azerbaijani postal operator introduces postal fee prepayment service by customers

Azerexpresspost Postal Express Service of Azerbaijani Azerpoct postal operator introduced prepayment service of postal fee by customers, Shamsaddin Gadirov, head of Public Relations Department of Azerexpresspost Communications Company told. Gadirov said customer’s appeal may be accepted in an electronic form, or over telephone.
"The essence of service is that the sending fee is not paid by an addressee or a sender, but by the customer of this service. That is, the customer turns to us in order to deliver the postal item (such as letter) from one address to another, in this case the customer pays the fee for providing this service. Accordingly, in this case, neither the sender nor the addressee act as a customer," Gadirov said. In the future the service will be applied to postal mails from Azerbaijan to other countries. The customer in this case should be in Azerbaijan.

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