
Searching through 360 million records in 1 second

The Nomura Research Institute (NRI) in Tokyo, Japan now uses SAP HANA to process massive amounts of data in real time. NRI is currently undertaking a data experiment on traffic jam information using SAP HANA. The traffic jam data is sourced from all over Japan, and receives location information from 12,000 taxis. According to Hiroshi Terada, NRI General Manager for ERP Solution, “SAP HANA enabled us to capture 360 million data records, and took just a little over a second to search data. I believe we are in the era of information explosion with enormous volume of data that keeps on growing.”
“We’re planning to offer a new analytics service using SAP HANA. This service will bring seamless consulting to IT deployment. We call this project BRAIN- business data real time analytics for insight and innovation.”
SAP HANA has recently been launched worldwide, providing organisations the ability to analyse vast quantities of data, regardless of the source. Adaire Fox-Martin, SAP Asia Pacific Japan SVP for Industry Business Solutions told FutureGov, “Over the years, in the Asia Pacific Japan region, many governments have collected vast quantities of data via custom developed/in-house developed solutions. HANA unlocks the data held in these environments and can help governments close the execution loop between policy and outcome.” HANA is a new platform for in-memory applications – application development platform opening up opportunity for the ecosystem with 100 per cent in-memory and column based-DB with high compression for extreme data support.

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