Among the electronic services of the State Committee, presented on the portal, are services to obtain on the cadastral number information of land plots, issuing certificates for information from the land cadastre, electronic appeal in connection with the preparation of information for the land cadastre, cadastral and GIS maps, issuing licenses for mapping and etc.
Over 30 government agencies are connected to the Electronic government portal.A number of public institutions of the republic also asked the agency to connect to the portal, and this process will be implemented in stages as their IT-infrastructures are ready.
The Electronic government portal is a key tool supporting the work with citizens and enterprises of public and private sectors.
List of electronic services on the portal has been prepared and approved by the Cabinet of Ministers. State authorities are ready to submit to the population at this portal over 120 e-services, a certain portion of which is provided on a single window basis. In the future, the number of services on the portal will exceed 300 units.
The portal is designed to reduce the number of documents requested from the citizens due to the fact that different bodies will interact with each other electronically. Use of the electronic services requires a digital signature.
State Border Service and State Committee for Land and Cartography integrates e-services to e-government portal
The State Border Service and the State Committee for Land and Cartography of Azerbaijan integrated e-services to e-government portal ( the electronic services of the State Committee, presented on the portal, are services to obtain on the cadastral number information of land plots, issuing certificates for information from the land cadastre, electronic appeal in connection with the preparation of information for the land cadastre, cadastral and GIS maps, issuing licenses for mapping and etc.
Over 30 government agencies are connected to the Electronic government portal.A number of public institutions of the republic also asked the agency to connect to the portal, and this process will be implemented in stages as their IT-infrastructures are ready.
The Electronic government portal is a key tool supporting the work with citizens and enterprises of public and private sectors.
List of electronic services on the portal has been prepared and approved by the Cabinet of Ministers. State authorities are ready to submit to the population at this portal over 120 e-services, a certain portion of which is provided on a single window basis. In the future, the number of services on the portal will exceed 300 units.
The portal is designed to reduce the number of documents requested from the citizens due to the fact that different bodies will interact with each other electronically. Use of the electronic services requires a digital signature.
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