
China to foster internet in four aspects

The Chinese government said it is planning to boost the development of internet sector in four areas in its drive to transform economic growth and optimise industrial infrastructure.

Miao Wei, Minister of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) names the four areas as promoting internet infrastructure construction, encouraging technology progress and application, accelerating internet application in other industries and intensifying information and internet security management.

He made the remarks at the 2011 China Internet Conference in Beijing with a theme of “Connecting China - Responsibility and Vitality”.

Miao said the country aims to build a safe and reliable network infrastructure based on the development of various technologies, including broadband and Internet Protocol version 6 or IPv6.

He emphasize the importance of accelerating the transformation and application of new technological achievements, innovating new business modes, expansion of industrial chains and enhancing market competitiveness.

He further said efforts will also go to developing the next generation internet, the Internet of Things and cloud computing.

China has the largest internet user population in the world. MIIT statistics shows that at the end of June, China had 485 million internet users, with the penetration rate standing at 36.2 per cent.

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