
Gartner’s top 10 security predictions

“Today’s security professionals battle threats from outside the organization, as well as those from their own employees. But what about threats that they already know exist? The next few years will see a variety of attacks as well as progress in the technologies and processes that prevent them. At the 2016 Gartner Security & Risk Summit, Earl Perkins, research vice president at Gartner, presented the top Strategic Planning Assumptions (SPAs) for security in the next two to four years. Highlights include:
Through 2020, 99% of vulnerabilities exploited will continue to be ones known by security and IT professionals for at least one year.
By 2020, a third of successful attacks experienced by enterprises will be on their shadow IT resources.
By 2018, the need to prevent data breaches from public clouds will drive 20% of organizations to develop data security governance programs.
By 2020, 40% of enterprises engaged in DevOps will secure developed applications by adopting application security self-testing, self-diagnosing and self-protection technologies.
By 2019, use of passwords and tokens in medium-risk use cases will drop 55%, due to the introduction of recognition technologies.
Through 2018, over 50% of IoT device manufacturers will not be able to address threats from weak authentication practices.
By 2020, more than 25% of identified enterprise attacks will involve IoT, though IoT will account for only 10% of IT security budgets.”

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