
Azerbaijan ranks 107th in world for speed of outgoing Internet traffic

Azerbaijan ranks the 107th on the speed of incoming Internet traffic in the NetIndex rating of Ookla Company, which created the Speedtest service. The results were based on experimental studies conducted from Sept.21 8 to Oct.20.

A total of 156,513 unique IP-addresses were selected for the tests. According to the NetIndex rating, the average rate of incoming traffic in Azerbaijan is 2.79 Mbit/sec. On Baku this figure hits 2.84 Mbit/sec, on Sumgayit - 2.31 Mbit/sec.

The ranking summed up the results of statistical indicators of 20 Internet service providers and communications operators of Azerbaijan, in the networks of which the maximum speed of incoming traffic was 7.15 Mbit/s (in the network of Eurosel), and the minimum rate - 1.02 Mb / with (in the network of Datacell).

In the rating of outgoing traffic, Azerbaijan ranked the 113th, where users enter the network at speeds of 0.94 Mbit/s. On Baku this figure hits 0.94 Mbit/sec, on Sumgayit - 0.70 Mbit/sec.

The rating on the outgoing traffic also summed up the results of statistical indicators of 20 Internet service providers and communications operators of Azerbaijan, in the network of which the maximum rate of outgoing traffic was 3.41 Mbit/s (in the Azerbaijani educational network AzEduNet), and the minimum speed - 0.50 Mbit/s (Azerbaijan Data Network).

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