
Google will delete your Gmail account if you do this

If you are reading this article, then you probably want to know what to do so that your Gmail account won’t be deleted. The answer to this is simple, make sure you don’t leave your Gmail, Google Drive, and Google Photos accounts dormant for more than two years. Google issued a notice yesterday that users who have not used its Gmail, Google Drive, and Google Photos functions for more than two years will delete their contents from the server. This policy will take effect on June 1, 2021, and will be enforced on June 1, 2023.
Furthermore, if the user’s space usage exceeds the storage space limit (15GB) for 2 consecutive years, Google also has the right to delete the content in Gmail, Drive, and Google Photos. Technically users have two instructions which are
Do not leave your Google accounts (Gmail, Drive, or Google Photos) for two years
Do not exceed your storage limit (15GB)
According to the notice, the services of concern are Gmail, Google Drive (including Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, Drawings, Forms, and Jamboard files), and Google Photos, all of which require server space to store user data. As long as users have used one of the above services within two years, they will not be affected by this policy. According to the current Google quota policy, each Google account provides 15GB of free storage space. Users can purchase Google One membership to increase their space quota.
The easiest way to keep your Google account active is to regularly access services such as Gmail through the App or the web. Google said that after June 1, 2021, if users have services that are idle or occupy exceeding the upper limit, Google will send email reminders and notifications in advance. If you want to delete any content, you will be notified in this way in advance.
Even if one or more of the above services is idle or the usage exceeds the upper limit of storage space and the content is deleted, users can still log in to these services. This policy will not affect users of Google Workspace, G Suite Education Edition, and G Suit Non-profit Edition.
We just have to take note of this announcement. If you have a Gmail account that you do not want to lose, ensure that you access it at least once in two years.

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