


State Committee for City Building and Architecture expand e-services

Large amount of work has been done in the 1-st quarter of this year in order to introduce electronic services in the State Committee for City Building and Architecture of the Republic of Azerbaijan. These activities are still continuing now as part of the implementation of the Azerbaijani President’s decree on the ‘Measures in the Sphere of Provision of e-Services by State Agencies’ dated May 23, 2011. This information was provided to ‘ICTnews’ by the State Committee for City Building and Architecture.

As a result of the implemented activities, citizens now  have been provided with an opportunity to fill and submit applications and send scanned copies of various documents to the committee through  its  electronic section.  Applicants will be electronically notified of receipt of documents which will be examined and addressed by the State Committee for City Building and Architecture.

 Presently, the committee receives and sends all letters via its official e-mail ‘memar@arxkom.gov.az’.  Measures are currently being taken to insure security of personal information and operations carried out through the e-services section of the committee.   

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