


Nar Mobile presents New Mobile Application

Subscribers shall benefit from Nar Mobile services in Android powered phones using the new application

Nar Mobile always pioneering innovations elates its subscribers by presenting the new mobile application. From now on owners of Android powered phones shall be able to use Nar Mobile services and inquiry their balance via the application. They will also receive information about current and new tariff plans as well as all services extended by the operator. This application is developed by the employee of ICT section of the Azerfon Telecommunication Company Rajab Davudov.

“In accordance with demands of our customers and in order to ensure the better service for them, the application of new technologies is always on our agenda. I am confident that we will be able to increase the number of such achievements by improving further the conditions of corporate and professional development of our specialists,”- added Khayyam Hasanli, the IT Director.

It should be noted that this application uses simple USSD commands. It can be downloaded by using the following link.

Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jubatus.android.nar

Azerfon Telecommunication Company known under Nar Mobile brand has started its activities in 2007, and currently, it is the innovative and transparent telecommunication company in the country. For the time being, Azerfon network covers 80% of Azerbaijan and extends 3G technology based services to ensure the best-in-class mobile communication services.

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