


Producer prices on computers drop by 6.1% in Azerbaijan

In April, the producer prices index in processing industry made up 101.1%. Producer prices on computer and other electronic devices cheapened by 6.1%, tobacco products by 4.7%, in textile industry by 3.1%, food production by 2.1%, electronic devices by 1.1%, jewelry, music, sport and health equipments by 0.5%, machine and devices by 0.2%, rubber and plastic products by 0.1%, while increased by 7.4% in finished metal products except machine and equipments, by 4.7% in chemical industry, by 1.8% in oil products, by 1.4% in metallurgy industry, by 0.8% in leather and leather products, shoes, by 0.4% in clothing products and by 0.3% in production of furniture and construction materials.

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08 February 2025

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