
Strap yourself into the Stig Chair

This high-end chair draws inspiration from The Stig, a legendary character from the BBC's long-running "Top Gear" car TV show.Looking at the Stig Chair for the first time, you'd almost think this thing originated from Batman's flight simulator.

The exotic $11,000 seat by Veraseri Designs sits at 52x23x39 inches, and consists of stainless steel, yellow pine, and deer leather for the ultimate in "high-performance sport luxury furniture," according to designer Adam Krehbiel. Additionally, the supporting frame contains recycled steel pipe from the frames of previously crashed Nascar stock cars.

 For protection, the Stig sports Line-X protective coating, somewhat similar to the type one would see in the bed of a pickup truck. Krehbiel notes that someone can "hose down" the coating if needed, and that it "resists 9mm small-arms fire."

The description includes some unusual tidbits about the design of the chair, which draws inspiration from The Stig, a legendary character from the BBC's long-running "Top Gear" car TV show.

For example, Krehbiel says the seat features "gel-cushioned pads upholstered in deer leather, which was harvested from a deer hit by the designer's car." In another odd twist, the two fast connect tubes work as follows: "one for Nitrogen out gassing, and the larger for unprocessed minced raw pork."
Personally, I'd rather funnel some beer or Dr. Pepper through the hoses.

 Crave put in a word with the designers of the Stig Chair to verify these eccentric claims regarding the source of the materials, and they acknowledged most of it as truth. A representative even offered to "provide a photograph of his totaled car" to prove the origin of the deer leather.

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