


119 e-services integrated into ‘e-Government’ portal

During the first half of 2012 measures have been consistently implemented in Azerbaijan towards developing the information community and improving ICT skills of the population. State bodies accelerated the process of introduction of e-services following the instructions given by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan during the Cabinet of Ministers’ meeting on the outcomes of the socioeconomic development in the first quarter of 2012 with regard to the importance of introduction of e-services.

During the reporting period the number of state agencies connected to e-Government gateway grew from 16 to 30 units.  The  number of e-services integrated to the “e-Government” portal increased from 56 to 119 units. 

The number of state agencies provided with e-signatures grew from 9 to 25 units. Let’s note that a total of 1,926 e-signatures have been provided to physical persons and legal entities so far. Besides that,  18,435 people have been provided with computers within the “People’s Computer” project, which is being jointly implemented by the Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies, Ministry of Education, “HP” and “Microsoft” companies.  

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