
Ali Abbasov meets Minister of Economic Development and Technology of Slovenia

The Minister of Communications and Information Technologies Ali Abbasov has met with the Slovenian delegation led by the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, the Minister of Economic Development and Technology Radovan Zerzhavin. During the meeting A.Abbasov said that a positive trend has been observed in the Azerbaijan – Slovenia cooperation in various spheres, including information and communication technologies.

"The favorable business environment has been created in Azerbaijan for the foreign companies operating here. 350 million Euros were allocated for expanding broadband internet services in the republic in the next 3 years and covering all villages in the country with these services. Preliminary work has already started in this regard.

As to the e-Government, electronic services have been widened, and they are being rendered to the population by means of the broadband internet. Azerbaijan now possesses the infrastructure which is sufficient enough for rendering information services at the regional market. We provide these services at the domestic market, and we want to participate in the regional foreign market as well. We expect do deliver our services to the Central Asia, Iran, Georgia and other countries. We are ready to offer our services to Slovenia as well.

The Space Industry is also a priority sphere for Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan is preparing to launch the first telecommunication satellite into orbit. The next important step is the support provided by the state to the local companies making investments to foreign markets. Our companies can make investments to Slovenia as well. Also, Azerbaijan and Slovenia can make joint investments to the third country", A.Abbasov said.

Radovan Zerzhavin, in his turn, said that there is a great potential for the development of relations between Azerbaijan and Slovenia. "We are interested in the development of bilateral relations between our countries. At present, several Slovenian companies are operating in Azerbaijani market. We need to discuss the participation of Azerbaijan companies in Slovenian market and Slovenian companies in Azerbaijani market. I believe that strengthening of mutual relations between our companies will promote the development of economic ties between our countries", he said.    

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