


Amount of data included in State Register of Public Information Resources and Personal Data Information Systems by all organisations reaches 211

By 01 July 2014, the total amount of data, which had been included in the State Register of Public Information Resources and Personal Data Information Systems by all organisations, had reached 211. 69 of it fell on Public Information Resources, and 142 – on Personal Data Information Systems.
Note that according to the decree of President of the republic of Azerbaijan “On some measures  to be implemented for expanding the application of electronic services” dated February 5, 2013, state registers are considered to be an integral part of the “e-Government” system.  
 Article 181-4 of the Code of Administrative Offences of the Republic of Azerbaijan, provides for the imposition of a fine between AZN 300 and AZN 500  for illicit gathering and processing of personal information.   


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