
Snapchats latest update lets you add links, voice filters and backdrops

Snapchat’s latest update is the most innovative one yet as the app has introduced three new “creative tools”.
The latest features include the ability to add illustrated backgrounds to your photos and voice filters to alter your voice without an animated lens. However, what came as the biggest surprise is the ability to add links. In an unprecedented move away from Snapchat’s isolated measures, the company has collaborated with external apps by adding Paperclip, which lets you add outbound links to your photos and videos.
Similar to geo filters, backdrops work simultaneously with your camera. The only difference is the illustrations function behind the objects on your screen instead of on top.
Voice filters is another update that lets you upgrade your video snaps with Snapchat’s popular voice-changing effects. Now, you don’t need any animated filter lens to enable the voice changing feature.
After you record a video, tap on the speaker icon to preview and change the sound.
The most surprising part of the update, where snapchat has arguably wandered beyond its comfort zone is the addition of the new Paperclip tool. The feature allows users to add external links to their stories and snaps with friends. This feature has been one of the most requested update from users to allow Snapchat to become more interactive with other apps.


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