


“Klass 7” – another innovation from Bakcell for its Klass customers

Bakcell, the First Mobile Operator in Azerbaijan, makes another innovation in the Mobile World of Azerbaijan again by offering another first - a tariff with charging by the Call - to its Klass customers.

For the first time in Azerbaijan Klass customers can opt for a package that charges by the call not by the minute. Bakcell continues to add more value to its Klass package through consecutive tariff campaigns. Adopting the principle "The more you talk, the more value you get" for Klass, Bakcell introduces new "Klass 7" tariff campaign.

With Klass 7, Klass customers will get unique advantages, which include unprecedented pricing per call, not per minute allowing the customers talk as much as they wish, paying only a small connection fee. In addition, this tariff offers its customers the maximum amount of Lovely Numbers in the market with up to 7 Lovely Numbers.

Bakcell Klass 7 customers are now charged per call of unlimited duration*. For calls to 7 Lovely Numbers the charge will be 2 qepiks per call only. For calls to other Bakcell subscribers it will be 7 qepiks per unlimited call.

As well as fantastic value everyday calls, huge discounts are applied for the calls made during the weekends. With only 2 qepiks per call, subscribers can call to ALL Bakcell numbers.

There are even more benefits in this tariff. SMS's to 7 Lovely Numbers are at the low price of 1 qepik. On weekends, SMS in all destinations within the country is 1 qepik only.

All existing and new Klass customers can join the Klass 7 tariff campaign. To subscribe to Klass 7, Klass customers need to dial *139#2#YES on their mobile phones.

Customers, who are currently subscribed to the Klass Professional tariff, can migrate to the Klass 7 campaign by dialing the same code. Monthly recurring fee of Klass 7 tariff is 7 AZN. Customers can join Klass 7 today, October 12 and benefit from the advantages of this tariff.

Bakcell uses all resources to adequately respond to the needs and expectations of the customers. Klass tariff was designed to suit the needs of those customers who want to stay in control and lead the active social and professional life.

Klass creates opportunities for staying close with colleagues and friends, travel with preferential roaming options, and always remain at the forefront with great opportunities Klass tariff provides.

To become a Klass customer, all is needed is to visit one of the Bakcell branded shops, obtain a Klass number and join any of the Klass tariffs that best suit your needs. Bakcell currently operates more than 220 service and sales points all across the country serving customers in Baku, and the regions.

Bakcell Customer Service Agents and dealers at these shops will delightfully help customers make the best choice of their mobile communication. Bakcell provides the best network coverage for its customers.

Bakcell will continue to bring more advantages and create new campaigns for Klass family in the near future. Stay with Bakcell!

For more information about Klass 7 Tariff Campaign, please visit www.bakcell.com or call 555. Customers can also send free SMS to 5525 short number to get information about Klass 7.

If you are not a Bakcell subscriber, but wish to find out about Bakcell and its services, please call 055 0000 555.

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