


Third state program on ICT introduction in education to be adopted in Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan is actively introducing information and communication technologies in education.

The statement came from Education Minister Misir Mardanov, noting that so far the country has implemented a state program for the introduction of ICT in education, while the second one continues.

'In the near future Azerbaijan will approve the third program on ICT in education. This process is carried out in the secondary mainstream facilities.

Thus, approximately 70,000 of secondary school teachers attended special courses in which they mastered the basics of ICT as a minimum and got the certificates. In addition, more than a thousand of big schools in the country are connected to the Internet as well.

I believe that our achievements in the field of ICT introduction in the education system are very successful, and work in this direction will continue,' he said.

Asked about the increase in tuition fees, the Minister noted that no increase is expected in the near future.

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