
Experts tell how to protect smartphone from overheating in hot weather

Experts shared tips on how to keep the smartphone from overheating in hot weather, RIA Novosti reported citing the senior marketing manager of the Huawei Consumer Business Group, Olga Kobelskaya.
According to the expert, the rules are simple: remove the protective cover, protect the device from overloading with heavy games or video, and also not leave the smartphone in direct sunlight. In turn, CEO of Strategy Analytics Neil Mouston added – if the air temperature heats above 35 degrees, then for technology such a rise is dangerous.
High temperatures can lead to overheating of electronic devices, however, such cases are quite rare, said the Agency’s Executive Director of research company Strategy Analytics Neil Mawston (Neil Mawston).
“This is very rare. Modern gadgets before the release is thoroughly tested for efficiency in extreme cold and heat. According to our estimates, less than 0.0001% of all smartphones sold worldwide will overheat to dangerous levels this year,” he said.

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