


Azerbaijani section of the Europe Persia Express Gateway project to be launched in a test mode in 2012

The Azerbaijani section of the Europe Persia Express Gateway (EPEG) project to be launched in a test mode in January-February 2012, Delta Telecom informed.

According to plans the infrastructure of international connections will be created.The cost of constructing the Azerbaijani section of the fiber-optic cable line EPEG is estimated at more than 3 million euro.

EPEG cable route begins in Oman and will be laid to Frankfurt. It will pass through the territories of three countries (Azerbaijan, Poland and Ukraine), whose operators do not participate in the EPEG consortium. These routes will be organized in rented facilities in each of the three states.

The capacity of EPEG cable line will be up to 3.2 Tbit / s, and its length is 6,000 kilometers. The preliminary project cost is estimated at approximately $ 200 million. The cable line is expected to be launched in May 2012.

EPEG participants are Iranian Telecommunication Infrastructure Company (TIC), the Omani Omantel, Russian "Rostelecom" and international Cable & Wireless (C & W). Delta Telecom's infrastructure is capable of transiting the international internet channels, as well as voice and data transmission services.


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