


Massachusetts Institute of Technology to implement joint startup projects with High-Tech Park

Head of the MIT Global Startup Labs (GSL) of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Giang Chui, visited the High-Tech Park (HTP) of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies (MTCHT).
During the meeting, Director of HTP, Tural Karimli, informed the guest in detail about the park’s activities and future plans. He also said that the startups that wish to get the right approach to and the necessary experience for building their own business can apply for the “Fast Track – Acceleration Program” of the High-Tech Park, which will help them to accelerate the development of their projects.       
Giang Chui, in turn, informed the host side about the training and programs of the MIT Global Startup Labs. He expressed his readiness to provide necessary support in the implementation of the tasks set in the “Fast Track – Acceleration Program” of the High-Tech Park.
In addition, an agreement was reached to implement joint projects with the MIT Global Startup Labs of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, to provide mentoring support to startups and to implement exchange programs.

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