
Gadgets will be able to read owners’ minds

In the near future, gadgets will be able to read the minds of their owners. Experts say that by 2030, smartphones, tablets and computers will be able to analyze human brain’s activity to find out what people think.
Initially, the technology will be used as a security code: the user thinks of a particular song or idea, which is recognized by the device and the gadget unlocks. But the Technological Council of the World Economic Forum in Davos deemed it necessary to warn device owners that hackers would be able to ferret out their innermost thoughts.
Nita Farahani, a professor of law and philosophy at Duke University, described in her report the near future, when people remain constantly connected to various devices which record the brain activity, thoughts and mental state of an owner, while information is transferred to a computer or tablet, and is published on the Internet. But she also warned that attackers can gain access to data and use it.
"Today, we have no legal basis to protect people from unwanted intrusions into their brains," she said.

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