
Scientists have found a way to prevent vision loss

New delivery method increases the solubility of curcumin. The pigment contained in turmeric, can be used for effective treatment of glaucoma at an early stage.
According to the Tape.Roux, scientists at University College London and Imperial College London came to the conclusion that the pigment curcumin, contained in turmeric, can be used for effective treatment of glaucoma at an early stage.
Researchers have developed a new method for delivery of curcumin, which, as shown, protects neurons of the retina from damage.
For this was created by nanoparticles which contain the pigment associated with safe for human surfactant and a stabilizer. This allows the use of curcumin in the composition of eye drops, not oral pills that need to be taken in large quantity because of the poor solubility of the pigment and which can cause gastrointestinal poisoning.
New delivery method increases the solubility of curcumin is 400 thousand times. In rats suffering from glaucoma, the use of the drops for three weeks caused a decrease in the rate of deterioration. In addition, the researchers noted no unwanted side effects.

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