
E Ink display lets you write on it as if it were paper

You can already get e-paper notepads that come close to replicating the feel of writing on dead trees, but E Ink thinks it can do better. The company has unveiled a new film, JustWrite, that promises more natural scribbling. It doesn't require a backlight or another display layer, and there's "almost no" lag. You won't have to strain your eyes or second-guess your drawing. The technology is also bendable, works with virtually any size and shape, and needs just a basic stylus as well as some basic electronics -- it shouldn't carry a significant premium.
You can even use different drawing styles, including brushes, markers and stamps. Like other forms of e-paper, it requires very little power.
There's no mention of customers who are already lined up, so it may take a while before there are shipping devices using JustWrite displays. It's easy to see a wide range of uses, though. On top of notepads, this could be useful for digital blackboards, labels and other devices where you want handwriting without the cost and other sacrifices that can come with typical stylus-savvy displays.

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