
Apple will release a huge iPad

Apple may release a tablet with a large screen soon. This is reported by Bloomberg.
In a report for the agency, journalist Mark Gurman said that the company is working on an iPad with huge screens – in the range from 14 to 16 inches. Thus, Apple adheres to the concept of transferring some laptop users to tablets. “They are unlikely to appear in 2022 and may not appear at all,” the expert noted.
Gurman believes that in the next couple of years, the American company will promote the iPad Pro with a diagonal of up to 12.9 inches. However, the trend towards the production of high-performance tablets that can replace personal computers is obvious. “I like the speed, touch screen, versatility, and magic keyboard, but the 12.9-inch display is too small for someone who is used to a 16-inch MacBook Pro,” the journalist noted.
According to the specialist, he is waiting for the appearance of more Mac applications on the iPad and the ability to work more flexibly with windows, as it is presented on Apple computers and PCs running Windows. “It’s time for Apple to tear off the Band-Aid and go all-in for the iPad, — the Gourmet summed up.

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