
Azerbaijan to host International Olympiad in Informatics next year

Azerbaijan is represented at the 30th International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) taking place this year in Tsukuba, Japan.
Azerbaijan will host the 31st International Olympiad in Informatics next year. The competition, to be held in Azerbaijan for the first time, will take place at ADA University.
The Azerbaijani team has undergone a long process of preparation in Baku - at Barama Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center and the Preparation Center for International Olympiads in the republic with the support of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies, Ministry of Education and company Azercell.
This year 340 students from 85 countries are participating in the competitions.
It is the 24th time that Azerbaijan has participated in the international olympiad. This year our country at the Olympiad is represented by an official delegation consisting of 4 students and 2 teachers. Participants will compete in different age groups.
It should be noted that the International Olympiad in Informatics is considered one of the five best scientific olympiads in the world.
Azerbaijan has been a participant of these competitions since 1994.
It will be recalled that 55 schoolchildren from Azerbaijan have attended the competitions so far. In total, the representatives of Azerbaijan won 5 medals (1 silver, 4 bronze).

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