According to Naibov-Aylisli, making certain decisions on the project within this meeting is not expected, since it is not official, but for discussion.
Azerbaijan's resolution to create the "East-West" information superhighway, adopted within the UN 66th plenary meeting will also eliminate all unsolved organizational issues on laying Caspian segment of fibre optic cable main.
The project "East-West" is designed to connect 20 countries in total. Its implementation will eliminate the "informational gulf" between Western Europe and the Pacific Basin.
Countries such as Russia (through operator "Rostelecom"), Kazakhstan (operator "Kazakhtelecom"), Turkey (operator TurkTelecom) and China (operator ChinaTelecom), as well as Azerbaijani operators, have already been attracted to the project.
Memorandum on the establishment of the consortium on the project is expected to be signed within the Bakutel - 2011 Azerbaijan International Telecommunications Exhibition (Nov. 23-26).
Azerbaijani project on cable line to be discussed at ITU Telecom World 2011
The World Exhibition and Conference of the International Telecommunication Union - ITU Telecom World 2011 - will discuss the project of constructing transnational Eurasian super informational highway (TASIM), the head of the working group on TASIM project Ilyas Naibov-Aylisli told. The ITU Telecom World 2011 Exhibition and Conference takes place Oct. 24-27 in Geneva.According to Naibov-Aylisli, making certain decisions on the project within this meeting is not expected, since it is not official, but for discussion.
Azerbaijan's resolution to create the "East-West" information superhighway, adopted within the UN 66th plenary meeting will also eliminate all unsolved organizational issues on laying Caspian segment of fibre optic cable main.
The project "East-West" is designed to connect 20 countries in total. Its implementation will eliminate the "informational gulf" between Western Europe and the Pacific Basin.
Countries such as Russia (through operator "Rostelecom"), Kazakhstan (operator "Kazakhtelecom"), Turkey (operator TurkTelecom) and China (operator ChinaTelecom), as well as Azerbaijani operators, have already been attracted to the project.
Memorandum on the establishment of the consortium on the project is expected to be signed within the Bakutel - 2011 Azerbaijan International Telecommunications Exhibition (Nov. 23-26).
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